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Prosthetic Services

Technology, Care, and Education

  •  Pre and Post-Surgery consultations

  • Gait and Movement Analysis

  •  Lower Limb Prosthetics

    • Above Knee & Below Knee Prosthetics

    • Microprocessor-Controlled Knees and Hips

    • Sports & High-Activity Knees

    • Swimming Prosthesis

    • Ultra-Lightweight Prosthesis

    • Partial Foot Restorations

    • Symes Prosthetics

    • Rotationplasty

    • Hip-disarticulations

    • Pediatric Prosthetics

  •  Upper Limb

    • Transradial (below the elbow)

    • Elbow Disarticulation

    • Transhumeral (above the elbow)

    • Myoelectric

    • Body Powered

    • Restorative/Passive

    • Hybrid

    • Sport/ Recreational

    • Work Specific

    • Partial Hand

At Gainesville Prosthetics, we specialize in lower limb prosthetics. We offer pre and post-surgery consultations so you can get a second opinion. When it comes to lower limb prosthetics, we can make prostheses for partial foot amputations, transtibial (below the knee) amputations, knee disarticulations, transfemoral (above the knee) amputations, and hip disarticulations. We can also provide you with computerized knees/feet, energy-storing feet, and sports prostheses. For lower limb amputations, we do offer home/PT visits if you cannot make it to our office. Regarding upper limb prosthetics, we can make prostheses for partial hand amputations, wrist disarticulations, transradial (below the elbow) amputations, elbow disarticulations, and transhumeral (above the elbow) amputations. We can also provide you with a myoelectric system for your upper limb amputation.


When receiving a prosthesis from Gainesville Prosthetics, there are five different appointment types, ranging from an initial evaluation to measurement/casting to the delivery of your prosthesis. Sometimes, patients may have more than five appointments before getting to take their final prosthesis home. This depends on how many diagnostic sockets must be made for the patient to be sure they are as comfortable as possible. Click the button below to learn more about each appointment and access other resources.

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